Our Mission
We demonstrate manufacturing’s important impact on the global economy and how to keep the industry vibrant.
The MAPI Foundation conducts research on the economic impact of manufacturing, including the implications of government policies and the success drivers that keep the industry competitive. Our mission is to showcase manufacturing’s impact on the global economy to help business leaders, policymakers, and the general public understand manufacturing’s impact on everyday life.
The Foundation partners with leading manufacturers, professional services firms, and experts to study the critical challenges facing the sector and offer insights to strengthen manufacturing’s dynamic global role. The Foundation’s data-driven research, forecasts, and analyses provide unique insight about the manufacturing sector including:
- Forecasts of economic conditions and manufacturing activity.
- Analyses that provide an objective voice in increasingly contentious debates on topics such as taxes, currency markets, global trade, cybersecurity, and regulations.
- Special reports demonstrating the true value of manufacturing to the U.S. economy and setting the facts straight on the importance of U.S. manufacturing to the global economy.
- Insight-driven, actionable research on critical manufacturing leadership issues, such as a manufacturing-specific capability maturity model for diversity and inclusion efforts.
The MAPI Foundation is the sister organization of the Manufacturers Alliance for Productivity and Innovation (MAPI).